Black People Are Not Safe ! – Never Forget George Floyd – #PoliceBrutality – #BlackHistoryMonth – #USA/

George Floyd death’s
May 25, 2020, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Never Forget…

The murder of George Floyd, suffocated by a police officer in the United States, has made the serious problem of racism and police violence in that country visible again. But this way of looking at it is too simplistic. It is necessary not to lose sight of the fact that that policeman was a university graduate, as well as the fact that his crime, which joined many other similar ones, was only one of the ways in which racism was expressed in that society. It cannot be omitted that this racism is historically constitutive of that.

By Daniel Mato

Rip George Floyd 🙏

« In the end, things did not work out and the deaths with racial connotations multiplied. The tragic story of George Floyd should force us to ask ourselves: Are the police really protecting?. »


Author: Firebarzzz

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