🎙️ARTIST: KoolGRap
📣TITLE: Train Robbery
💿ALBUM: Live And Let Die
📆RELEASED: (1992)
📍La Note Firebarzzz
« Train Robbery », une pièce emblématique de Kool G Rap, est un chef-d’œuvre du storytelling hip-hop. Sorti le 24 novembre 1992 sous le label Cold Chillin’, ce morceau transporte les auditeurs dans un monde de crime, de tension et de survie.
À travers des paroles ciselées et une livraison percutante, Kool G Rap maîtrise l’art du storytelling avec une habileté remarquable. Sa capacité à peindre des images vivides et à tisser des histoires complexes fait de lui l’un des meilleurs conteurs du hip-hop. Avec « Train Robbery », il plonge l’auditeur au cœur d’un hold-up de train, capturant chaque détail avec une précision cinématographique.
Produit par Sir Jinx et Kool G Rap lui-même, le morceau bénéficie d’une instrumentation supplémentaire de Nick Daniels, David Foreman et Johnny Rogers, ajoutant une profondeur sonore qui accompagne parfaitement le récit.
Enregistré aux Cherokee Recording Studios et aux Paramount Studios de Los Angeles, « Train Robbery » est non seulement un exemple de maîtrise technique, mais aussi un témoignage de l’immense talent de Kool G Rap en tant qu’artiste et narrateur.
Avec ses paroles incisives et sa capacité à captiver l’imagination de son public, « Train Robbery » demeure un classique intemporel qui témoigne du génie du storytelling de Kool G Rap et de son impact durable sur la culture hip-hop.
Kool G Rap raconte comment lui et quatre autres personnes qu’il a amenées avec lui ont commis un vol de train. Il décrit chaque événement survenu dans le train.
Qu’il s’agisse d’un décès ou de ce qu’il fait aux victimes dans le train, Kool G Rap est capable de le décrire et de vous donner une image de ce qui se passe. Cette chanson montre les capacités de narration de Kool G Rap.
Down the subway stairs, straight through the turnstyle
No smile, but I’m waitin in the station for the 7 to turn it wild
Me and my three shorties, guzzlin forties
We’re bout to rob and steal and get real fuckin naughty
One carries a tre pound, the other a four-fifth
Both ready to buck and ain’t nuttin to be fucked with
It’s dark and it’s midnight, the police in dead sight
Look through the fuckin tunnel and I see movin headlights
Fuck it I cock the baretta back and put my hood on
My shorties are game, I got the same shit they put on
Impatiently we’re waitin for the doors to open
Got on the train we’re car from car but not too far I started scopin
Starin at this bitch for a minute
My man pulled out the mag, opened the bag and said
« Put all your fuckin money in it! »
Even the jewelry on the hands
He slapped the bitch up, and she cried
And begged him not to take her wedding band
Now everybody’s in shock, and I’m walking past
The scared ass passengers with the nine millimeter cocked
Lookin for who was next
And sittin by the pole was a old ass man wearin a Rolex
I took the shit and hit the bastard hard
Ripped his pants clean off his ass and got the Visa and the MasterCard
My little man said, « A-yo check this, »
He pointed at this bitch who looked rich, wearin a long pearl necklace
Word to God, she got my dick hard, and that was the truth
So I drug her ass inside the conductor’s booth
As the ho started to shout, I threw her on her knees
And made her freeze and put my dick inside her pretty mouth
All of the sudden I just, nutted
Pulled up my pants and zipped up
She’s on the floor with her mouth flooded
Came back out with the iron *gun shot*
The next motherfucker to move, is dyin!
The train came to a stop, and who gets on it
To ruin the whole plot, was a motherfuckin cop
He fired at me — I fired back at him
God damn, I almost had him
In a flash, my little shorty’s on his ass
Got down on the ground, and let the three pound blast
Lead went dead in his chest
Tore him a new asshole, right through his bullshit vest
But the pig was still breathin
I wanted to finish him off, but I said, « Fukkit, I’m leavin »
Grabbed the sack hit the track and
started runnin
« Ohhh shit! More fuckin cops comin! »
So I stopped and took a shot
Hopin the cop got popped but yo I didn’t see nobody drop
Headed straight into the exit, and out in the street
Police outside like fifty deep
So I started to creep but I didn’t sleep
Spotted this bitch pullin up in a Jeep
How sweet! « Now get the fuck out the car! »
Slammed the bitch down on the tar, now she needs CPR
But I don’t give a fuck, I just jetted
My man said set it, two more detectives got wetted
As we raced down the block
Lettin off a whole lot of shots and didn’t stop
Police gave us a chase, a blue and white rage
My shorty got grazed in the face
Another cop tried to let off, I put another clip in my shit
And blew his motherfuckin head off
Stomped my foot on the gas pedal
Sparks are flyin and shit, from the bullets hittin the car metal
So now we just runnin
The shorties and me G, one of the three gunmen
Side by side we’re on the highway, and lettin off shots
The three outlaws, against the cops
It’s like a fuckin adventure
About four cops got dropped, three motherfuckers got injured
The last of the cop cars pressed up
My man aimed the joint, the hollow points tore his fuckin vest up
I put a slug inside the tire
They ran into a tall-ass wall, now it’s great balls of fire
So now we got away clean, yeah
Smilin like a motherfucker countin the green
You can’t fuck with the kid
My boy started thinkin back on the train
Bout all that shit we did
Leavin niggas in poverty
Three black motherfuckers pulled off a great train robbery
Took all those motherfuckers ducats
But hey, what I can say, life is a bitch so FUCK IT
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