Coolio « It Takes a Thief » (1994)🙏 #CoolioRiP #RIPCoolio

🎙️ARTIST: Coolio
📣TITLE: It Takes A Thief
💿ALBUM: It Takes A Thief
📆RELEASED: (1994)

Sad news, the artist Coolio is gone. Coolio is not just anyone, we just lost a big artist. A Hit collector, I’ve always loved his performances, he performed alongside the greatest like Methodman, Busta Rhymes, LlCoolJ, B-Real, Stevie Wonder and so many others.. he released 8 albums that were named and reward. If I have to remember 5 tracks from this guy it would be

1- Hit’Em High- The monster Anthem featuring BReal, MethodMan, LlCool.J, et Busta Rhymes.

2- fantastic Voyage

3-Gangster Paradise

4-It Takes A Thief

5-Ain’t A Damn Thang Change’ (feat WC And The Maad Circle)

Rip Firebarzzz 🙏

Author: Firebarzzz

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