JackJohnson (1878 – 1946) was the first Black Heavyweight #Boxing Champion regardless of being at the height of the #JimCrow era, with a career of 73 wins. He was known as the “#GalvestonGiant” and was the son of ex-slaves. Jack had contempt for racial rules, lived a flamboyant lifestyle, and dated white women. In 1912, he was convicted of the #MannAct, designed to prevent human trafficking but used in this case to punish interracial relationships. Johnson fled to Europe and did not return until 1920 to serve his sentence. While at Leavenworth Federal Prison, he hand-wrote his autobiography on prison stationery, invented a wrench, and was granted a patent in 1922.
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ARTICLES from Firebarzzz
« The My Lai Massacre »
The My Lai Massacre captured public awareness largely due to the 1969 public release of graphic photographs taken by Army Photographer Ronald Haeberle. Since the release, viewers have been captivated by the visceral emotion expressed on the face of the woman in the foreground of the photo below (published in 1969 by Life magazine). According to Life’s caption of the photograph, these villagers were “huddle[ed] in terror moments before being killed by American troops at My Lai.”