Public Enemy  »Fight The Power » (1990) |#Hiphop|#politics|#USA|

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🎙️ARTIST: Public Enemy
📣TITLE: Fight The Power
💿ALBUM: Feat Of The Black Planet
📆RELEASED: (1990)


Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped
Best prepared troops refuse to fight
As a matter of fact, it’s safe to say that they would rather switch
Than fight

1989 the number another summer (get down)
Sound of the funky drummer
Music hitting your heart ’cause I know you got soul
(Brothers and sisters, hey)
Listen if you’re missing y’all
Swinging while I’m singing
Giving whatcha getting
Knowing what I know
While the Black bands sweating
And the rhythm rhymes rolling
Got to give us what we want
Gotta give us what we need
Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
We got to fight the powers that be
Lemme hear you say

Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
We’ve got to fight the powers that be

As the rhythm designed to bounce
What counts is that the rhymes
Designed to fill your mind
Now that you’ve realized the pride’s arrived
We got to pump the stuff to make us tough

From the heart
It’s a start, a work of art
To revolutionize make a change nothing’s strange
People, people we are the same
No we’re not the same
‘Cause we don’t know the game
What we need is awareness, we can’t get careless
You say what is this?
My beloved lets get down to business
Mental self defensive fitness
Don’t rush the show
You gotta go for what you know
Make everybody see, in order to fight the powers that be
Lemme hear you say

Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
We’ve got to fight the powers that be

Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
We’ve got to fight the powers that be

Elvis was a hero to most
Elvis was a hero to most
Elvis was a hero to most
But he never meant s- to me you see
Straight up racist that sucker was
Simple and plain
Mother f- him and John Wayne
‘Cause I’m Black and I’m proud
I’m ready and hyped plus I’m amped
Most of my heroes don’t appear on no stamps
Sample a look back you look and find
Nothing but rednecks for 400 years if you check

Don’t worry be happy
Was a number one jam
Damn if I say it you can slap me right here
(Get it) lets get this party started right
Right on, c’mon
What we got to say?
Power to the people no delay
Make everybody see
In order to fight the powers that be

Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
Fight the power
We’ve got to fight the powers that be

What we got to say?
Fight the power
What we got to say?
Fight the power
What we got to say?
Fight the power
What we got to say?
Fight the power

Yo, check this out man
Ok talk to me ’bout the future of
Public Enemy
Future of Public Enemy gotta

La note Firebarzzz

Chuck D a déclaré que l’inspiration pour la chanson lui est venue alors qu’il survolait l’Italie lors de la tournée Run’s House de Public Enemy :

Je voulais avoir un peu le même thème que l’original « Fight the Power » des Isley Brothers et le remplir avec une sorte de vision moderniste de ce qu’était notre environnement à cette époque particulière.

Il a déclaré au magazine Keyboard en 1990 :

« Fight the Power » a environ 17 échantillons dans les 10 premières secondes. Par exemple, il y a trois boucles de batterie différentes qui forment une grosse boucle de batterie : l’une est un truc Funkadelic standard, l’autre est un truc Sly [Stone], et je pense que la troisième est celle des Jacksons. 🗞️

Making Of Fight The Power.

Author: Firebarzzz

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